How To Build A Data-Driven Culture

Leading companies around the globe are pushing to transform themselves to become a data-driven company. Next to branding, data is seen as the most valuable product that ...
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Fail Faster and Fail Forward

Fail Faster and Fail Forward

Failure. Such an ugly word. It is Not (we are sternly admonished) An Option. Put that way, failure sounds like a life sentence: fail once, and ye shal...
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AI and the Future of the Human Experience

AI and the Future of the Human Experience

For all its (current) limitations, it’s a pretty amazing technology. And as its capabilities and competencies improve with every iteration, we find more ingenious applications and uses: its relentless fingers of code creep and probe into every part of the unseen mecha...
The Humanization of Digitization & AI

The Humanization of Digitization & AI

Over the last few decades we’ve focused so much on Big Data and ROI, we’ve forgotten the art and craft — the so-called soft skills — necessary to build trust, tell a compelling story, and forge strong customer relationships.
Fail Faster and Fail Forward

Fail Faster and Fail Forward

Failure. Such an ugly word. It is Not (we are sternly admonished) An Option. Put that way, failure sounds like a life sentence: fail once, and ye shall be a failure forever more. (Points boney finger, cackles: “And your children, and your children’s children, and yo...
Find Your Multishore Soulmate

Find Your Multishore Soulmate

Swipe right on a multishore partner that aligns with your company values & culture. Outsourcing is a no-brainer when your company is looking to add resources, boost specialized expertise, or expand global reach — while keeping costs down and maintaining scalability an...
The Power of the Whole Product Experience: A Recipe for Success

The Power of the Whole Product Experience: A Recipe for Success

Have you ever tried to enjoy a cake by tasting one ingredient at a time? Picking up a spoonful of flour or a raw egg doesn't quite deliver the delectable experience of a baked cake. Just as an incomplete cake lacks appeal, a digital product is much more than a mere amal...
Eco-Friendly Tech: How Companies Can Slash Carbon Footprints!

Eco-Friendly Tech: How Companies Can Slash Carbon Footprints!

As tech companies, we develop applications and websites that eventually require consuming loads of electricity which is generated by fossil fuels like coal products, natural gas, petroleum products, or non-renewable wastes. All of them generate a great amount of CO2 whi...